Embrace New e-Prescribing Technology to Make Your Entire Workflow FASTER

Sep 10, 2021

Sure, there are some things from our past we hang on to because they have nostalgic value. They remind us of simpler times and might even “still work!” But answer this question: Is that how you feel about your paper prescription pad?

Would switching from a typewriter to a computer not only speed up your workflow, but also reduce errors and extra steps? Imagine the comparable scenario of ditching your paper prescription pad (or fax machine) for cloud-based electronic prescribing software that streamlines the entire prescription process.

The importance of an efficient workflow cannot be stressed enough. Most likely, inefficiencies are the primary reasons you get stressed during the workday. If you look at how your time is split throughout the day, you will most likely find an imbalance between providing patient care and doing work that could be automated.

Electronic prescriptions are rapidly gaining traction across the country. In 2017, nearly 1.5 billion e-Prescriptions were filled. In 2020, that number increased to nearly two billion. As e-Prescribing momentum increases, so do the reasons for abandoning traditional script-writing methods to improve your clinical workflow.

Here are three benefits e-Prescribing that will erase any fond memories of your paper prescription pad:

1)    Security. Prescription pads can be stolen or compromised. Secure e-Prescribing software can only be accessed by the doctor who has his or her own unique ID. Select staff who stage prescriptions will also have their own unique ID to log in. When prescribing controlled substances, the security increases with two-factor authentication requirements for the doctor. Every prescription for any kind of medication is logged, providing an audit trail if needed.

2)    Accuracy. e-Prescribing software can include a wide range of built-in features. For example, accessing a built-in directory, such as Lexicomp, provides quick confirmation of drug interactions, discontinued meds and dosing information, reducing errors and adverse drug events.

Integration capability with your practice management directly populates patient information into your e-Prescribing software, eliminating duplicate work and helping prevent costly or dangerous errors.

Further improve your clinical workflow by selecting e-Prescribing software with direct access to the Virginia’s Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP) for quick prescription history checks.

3)    Accessibility. e-Prescribe any medication, including controlled substances, from any location, on any device. That flexibility eliminates reliance on paper, phone and fax by streamlining your workflow into just one manageable method for all prescriptions. A staff member can still prep the script for you, whether you’re down the hall or out of the office. With cloud-based e-Prescribing software, you can provide prescription care anywhere, at any time, using any internet-connected device. This accessibility also directly impacts your patients. When your prescriptions are automatically and quickly sent to the pharmacy, patients can’t lose or misplace it along the way and are more likely to pick-up meds and adhere to their treatment protocols.

If you are still wondering if e-Prescribing has an impact across the Healthcare Industry, then look at what studies by The American Journal of Managed Care (AJMC) have revealed. AJMC research shows that e-Prescribing may help reduce medication errors and adverse drug events, improves formulary adherence by prescribers and improves patient adherence to prescription medications, therefore improving quality of care and reducing healthcare costs[1].

There are numerous areas in your clinical workflow where technology can make big improvements in the way your practice operates, provides care and reduces cumulative hours of manual work. Electronically prescribing everything from antifungals to antibiotics to pain meds reduces steps and saves time in your day, better protecting your practice and patients. Bring together every part of your prescription writing process to speed up your workflow and bring down your stress level.


iCoreConnect, a VDA Services Endorsed Partner, develops cloud-based technologies to improve and protect your practice, including iCoreRx e-Prescribing software. VDA members receive a 43% special discount on iCoreRx. e-Prescribe all meds faster from any device with iCoreRx. Book a demo at land.icoreconnect.com/VA07 or call 888.810.7706.