VDA Fellows is a class of membership that is reserved as an honor for those who by special devotion to the Virginia Dental Association and to the profession of dentistry have given freely of their time and energies to the end that the welfare of all has been promoted.  


Tidewater Dental Association (1)

Armistead, R. Lewis      

Baker, J. Patrick            

Baker, James W.           

Barham, Henry P.         

Baxter, Truman D., Jr.   

Bernier-Rodriguez, Joseph A.

Bivins, W. Todd            

Candler, Robert A.

Clark, Jessica M.         

Clarke, Jerry C.

Cote, Carmen SA.         

Delcambre, Odilon P.

Dooley, Mary T.

Einhorn, Bernard I.

Fernandez, Miguel E.    

Flagg, Roger H.             

Hamlin, D. Christopher 

Hamlin, Zaneta

Hendricks, A. Clayborn

Hendricks, Harlan K.     

Hoffman, Arnold M.     

Howell, Dani

Howell, Ralph Leroy, Sr.

Howell, Ralph L. Jr.       

Krochmal, James E.

Landy, Neil A.   

Laxa, Adrian M.

Marshall, David T.        

Meares, Anthony W.    

Morgan, Michael S. 

Morgan, Pamela    

Mosher, John D.           

Mostiler, T. Wayne       

Peluso, Anthony           

Ramsey, Harry E., Jr.     

Richmond, Leslie I.       

Quigg, Richard K.

Rogge, Rod M.             

Ross, John J.                 

Roy, Carl P.                  

Rubin, Robert M.

Schreiber, Gregory

Shiflet, Harvey H. III      

Shivar Walker W.

Taylor, Gary E.             

Tompkins, Stanley P.    

Visser, Roger L.

Weisberg, Barclay K.     

Weisberg, Edward J.   

Wong, Jonathan  

Zapatero, Dagoberto

Zeno, Allan J.               

Zimmer, Andrew J.        

Peninsula Dental Society (2)

Allen, Robert B.            

Bennett, William J.       

Bernhard, Elizabeth A.  

Booker, Wayne E.

Boxx, Eric W.                

Butler, Corydon B., Jr.   

Cherry, Donald W.        

Covaney, Sharon C.      

Dailey, G. Curtis           

Davenport, William L.   

DeGinder, Bruce R.

Duggan, Sayward E.      

Fashing, Gisela K.

Feild, Robert J.             

Fisher, Elmer O., Jr.      

Francis, Scott H.       

Glazier, Thomas    

Griffin, William T.         

Harper, William G.       

Hartmann, Paul K.        

Herring, Kent               

Hinson, Lanny C.          

Jacobs, George A. 

Kaplan, Marvin I.          

Kenney, Jeffrey N.        

Levy, Guy G.                 

Levy, Mayer G.             

Link, Michael J.            

McCormick, Michael P, Jr.

Morgan, Fabienne, J.    

Morris, Thomas Joseph

Oden-Fulton, Catherine

Oglesby, J. Stuart

Owen, John R.  

Piche’, Jon E.                

Price, McKinley L.         

Riggs, Gary A., Jr.         

Simpson, Harry D., Jr.  

Stockburger, Daniel 

Tankersley, Ronald L.

Taylor, Russell S.          

Watkins, James D.        

Wendell, Bryan H. 

Woodruff, Harvey C., III

Southside Dental Society (3)

Bates, Richard W.

Bissell, Stephen L.        

Boyd, Herbert R., Jr.     

Boyd, Herbert Reed III  

Browder, J. Wayne       

Ellis, David L.                

Farrington, Frank H.     

Galstan, Samuel W.      

Gaskins, Charles E. III    

Gerard, Scott E.

Hanley, Michael R.       

Isbell, Jerry W.             

Johnson, James K.    

Lindberg, Katelyn    

Meade, Raymond L.     

Neal, Harold Jones, Jr.  

O'Neill, Robert L.          

Palmer, Roger A.          

Pond, Ashton Wright    

Ragsdale, John R., III     

Roadcap, Richard F.      

Slagle, James L. , Jr.      

Ward, C. Sharone          

Richmond Dental Society (4)

Abubaker, Omar A.

Adams, Anne C.            

Adams, Randy

Alexander, John M.

Atkins, Carl O., Jr.

Billingsley, Cheryl B.     

Brickhouse, Tegwyn H.

Button, Gilbert L.         

Byrne, B. Ellen              

Certosimo, Alfred J.      

Cole, Gregory A.           

Cooke, Thomas S., III    

Counts, Charles R.        

Covington, William D.   

Cuttino, Charles L., III   

Dickinson, Terry D.       

Doherty, Joseph M.      

Doswell, John C., II       

Dunlevy, Harry A.         

Finkler, Timothy J.

Finley-Parker, Kathryn S.

Forte, Steven G.           

Gardner, Wm. Graham

Gibberman, Avi B. 

Glazier, Thomas       

Griggs, Edward N. III     

Hubbard, Maury A., Jr. 

Hunt, Lindsay M., Jr.     

Iuorno, Frank P., Jr.      

Kaugars, Claire C.         

Kittrell, John S.

Korpics, Louis J.

Krause, Trisha A. 

Kreuzer, Luiza          

Lambrechts, Marcel G. 

Lance, James R.

Laskin, Daniel, Mm.      

Levenson, Lanny R.       

Levin, Jeffrey               

Levitin, Donald G.         

Lewis, Holly

McAndrew, Karen S.     

Martinez, Harold J.

Marks, Norman J.         

Miller, Benita A.                       

Miller, Michael E.         

Mohanty, Sujit K.

Mosher, Russell N., Jr.

Mourino, Arthur P.       

Mullins, Edmund E., Jr. 

Nelson, James F.

Overton, Bruce W.       

Perkinson, W. Baxter, Jr.

Powell, Watson O., Jr.  

Prior, Gordon               

Radcliffe, Edward H.

Radcliffe, Stephen S.    

Redwine, William J.      

Revere, James H., Jr.     

Reynolds, Elizabeth C.  

Richardson, C.D., Jr.     

Richardson, Christopher R.

Sarrett, David D.          

Schroeder, James R.     

Smith, James H.           

Stenger, Aloysius J.       

Straus, Frank D.            

Sullivan, Kit. T.             

Swanson, Kimberly S.   

Trawick, Donald G.

Turner, Cassidy L.

Vranas, Ronald N.    

Ward, Gloria    

Webb, Leslie S., Jr.       

Wood, Richard H.         

Wood, Roger E.    

Zoghby, Gregory M.

Piedmont Dental Society (5)

Abbott. Michel A.         

Alouf, Fred G., Jr.         

Ayers, C. Eugene          

Black, David E.             

Burnett, Douglas D.

Cornick, James K.         

Crabtree, Mark A.        

Crawford, Carrington W.

Crist, Frank C., Jr.         

Crist, Jason S.               

Coots, Fred A., Jr.         

Dietrich, Craig B.          

Gendron, Gregory T.    

Grabeel, Daniel E.        

Huffman, Richard D., Jr.

Jenkins, Charles W.      

Martin, William W.       

Midkiff, H. Marvin        

Morgan, James K.         

Norbo, Randy J.            

O'Keefe, Edward M.     

Osborne, Elbert P., Jr.   

Payne, Albert L.            

Porter, Cleveland H., Jr.

Pugh, Robert L.    

Reynolds, Dustin S.         

Shearer, James W.

Snow, Kevin P. 

Snyder, Edward P.       

Stafford, David 

Stephens, Nathan C.     

Strange, Charlton B., Jr.

Southwest Virginia Dental Society (6)

Brown, Ronnie L.          

Chamberlain, Dana H.   

Cole, Jack D.                 

Elzay, Richard P.           

Haller, Thomas B.         

Huff, Wallace L.            

Humphrey, R. Douglas, Jr.

Jessup, Ronald D.         

Kiser, J. Roger              

Littrell, Thomas W.       

McCloud, Kemper D., Jr.

McDonald, Peter J.       

Miller, Scottie R.          

Moore, French H., Jr.    

Mowbray, Perry D., Jr.  

Paget, Joe A.                

Pratt, A. Carole            

Southern, Cynthia M.   

Stepp, David L.    

Thompson, Brian C. 

Tomoda, Matthew T.          

Vlahos, Gus C.                  

Young, Glenn A.            

Shenandoah Valley Dental Association (7)

Allen, Dandridge B.      

Amos, Edward L.          

Batchelor, Caitlin S. 

Bickers, Duane J. 

Bradshaw, James W. III 

Brandt, M Todd

Bream, Alan J.

Burgoyne, Cory C.        

Downey, Ronald G.       

Driscoll, Robert M.       

Gardner, Steve E.         

Garrison, C. Mac    

Garrison, Evan

Goodwin, Brooke D.       

Gordon, James C., Jr.    

Hall, Robert B., Jr.        

Heath, Richard T.         

Helsley, Conrad A         

Herring, Carolyn C.       

King, J. Darwin             

Kivlighan, Michael F.    

Kleine, Jared C.            

Knight, John H.             

Mansfield, Richard S.    

Robbins, Alan               

Sartelle, Harry M. III     

Saunders, Victor G.      

Sherwin, J. Ted             

Taliaferro, Richard L.    

Viglione, William J.       

Watson, Raleigh H., Jr.  

Northern Virginia Dental Society (8)

Ajalat, Dick S.               

Allison, William H.        

Anderson, David C.       

Anderson, Erika A. 

Arbuckle, Gary R.

Argentieri, Robert D.    

Armstrong, Thomas W., Jr.

Babington, William W.  

Bagden, Martin Alan    

Barrett, Harold J., Jr.     

Bell, Alonzo, M.            

Bell, John A., Jr.            

Berman, Scott C.          

Besner, Edward

Bonilla, Hugo A.           

Botuck, Henry M.         

Brigleb, Richard C.        

Cocolis, Peter K. Jr.       

Coleman, Robert Y.      

Corcoran, Theodore P. 

D'Aquila, Frank, Jr.       

Dillon, Kathleen G.       

Devasia, Jenna

Dolan, Patrick J.           

Dougherty, William V. III

Fabio, Michael A.         

Farr, Michael V.           

Favis, Raymund V.        

Ferris, Philip S.             

Fletcher, Charles F.     

Ghaffari, Ashlka  

Gibberman, Paul          

Gillespie, M. Joan         

Goering, J. William       

Golian, Timothy       

Gorman, Michael H.      

Gouldin, A. Garrett       

Griffin, Alfred C., Jr.      

Gyuricza, James L.

Halpern, Abby

Hartman, Melanie W.   

Hauptman, Ronald S.    

Hinkle, Richard A.  

Hoyos, Stephanie        

Hutchison, Bruce R.     

Karapetian, Christine

King, Michael E.  

Klima, Rodney J.           

Kotler, Lawrence M.     

Lee, Edwin                   

Levine, Robert A.          

Love, Melanie R.          

Mazzocchi, Philip, Jr.    

McQuiston, Scott A.

Mercantini, John A.      

Meza, Fernando J.

Newman, Dwight W.    

Norbo, Justin R. 

Norbo, Kirk M.             

Olenyn, Paul T. 

Oliver-Rainey, VaCora L.

Outten, W. Linwood, III

Palmieri, David

Pash, John W. Jr.

Passero, Peter L.

Patterson, Paul H.

Patterson, Travis T. III   

Pell, James A.

Pham, Anh H.

Pizer, Marvin E.

Portell, Frank K.

Quinn, Paul C.

Rizkalla, Al J.

Rosenblum, Stephen F., Jr.

Rushton, John S.

Russell, Timothy E. III

Sadak, Alexander V.

Schoenly, Nathan

Silloway, Kimberly A.

Small, Neil J.

Spagna, Christopher R.

Stoller, Stanley M.

Stone, Richard Taylor

Supan, Paul F.

Thomas, Harding L.

Wallert, William

Whiston, David A.

Willhide, John W.

Willis, James

Wyman, Bruce S.

Young, Brenda J.

Zimmet, Paul N.

Zwibel, Burton C.