Manage Debt
Check out these money-saving resources and valuable tools to help you achieve financial stability.
Employment Agreements
Before you put your John Hancock on any contract, understand the provisions and key legal terms.
Licensure Map
View licensure requirements by state based on current information available from state dental boards.
Mentorship to Ownership
Owning your own practice is a common goal of early-career dentists, but the hardest question is: how do I get there?
Career Guidance Book
Keep an open mind about your career and download a free e-book to consider your career options – all of them.
New Dentist Now features resources for new dentists and dental students as well as news and insight on the dental profession and beyond.
ADA Dental Practice Success Guide: Financial Foundations for the New Dentist
This publication was designed to help you understand some basic financial principles, alert you to major financial planning issues, and give you the tools to chart your path towards financial peace of mind.
Dentist Employment Agreements: A Guide to Key Legal Provisions
We suggest that you review these materials before speaking with your attorney. We hope that these materials will provide a solid basis for your discussions with your attorney; will better enable you to understand the right questions to ask; and to maximize the chances that you will understand the employment contract that you have been offered and save time and money in doing so.
On-Demand Employment Agreement Seminar
ADA Practice Transitions
Get matched with a practice where you can grow your career or a mentor to help you strengthen your business and clinical skills before purchasing a practice.