Protect dentistry in Virginia by inviting your colleagues to join the VDA today. The VDA’s Lead3 recruitment campaign is the perfect opportunity to share why the VDA is important to you, add critical voices to Virginia’s largest dental association, and build your professional network.
Lead3 FAQ
How can I participate in Lead3?
Contact Leslie Hicks at 804-523-2172 and she will help you select non-members to recruit.
Is this process time-consuming?
We are only asking for about 15 minutes of your time. Our members can either call or text their non-members and briefly explain to them why they find value in their VDA membership. If the non-member has more detailed questions, please refer them to Leslie Hicks.
If you would like to take your recruit to lunch or coffee, the VDA can provide reimbursement.
Are their any incentives to members participating in Lead3?
- Addresses the critical need for recruitment into the association.
- Personal approach using the peer-to-peer method will increase membership.
- Membership increase will increase market share.
- Increased market share equals a stronger legislative presence.
- Educate dentists on the benefits of the Virginia Dental Association.
- Incentives/Prizes for member participation. (coming soon)