Voting closes September 13, 2024


(ONE position available)

Dr. Marlon Goad

Dr. Marlon Goad

As I humbly present my candidacy for the presidency of the Virginia Dental Association (VDA), I am driven by an unwavering passion for advancing our noble profession and safeguarding the interests of dental practitioners across the Commonwealth. First and foremost, I profoundly respect the incredible work done by the VDA in championing the cause of dentistry. The VDA has been at the forefront, tirelessly advocating for the betterment of our profession and ensuring our voices are heard. Yet, challenges persist, notably in the realm of low reimbursement rates imposed by dental insurance companies. For far too long, dentists have grappled with inadequate reimbursement rates, posing financial hardships and limiting the scope of exceptional care we strive to provide. This issue remains a critical concern, impacting the vitality of our practices and the quality of care we deliver to our patients. My candidacy is anchored in a commitment to address these challenges head-on. I aim to spearhead a vigorous campaign with the VDA, leveraging our collective strength and influence to push back against dental insurance companies. It’s time to demand fairness, transparency, and equitable reimbursement rates that reflect the true value of our services. Transparency and fairness must be the cornerstone of our profession. As President, I pledge to uphold these principles, guiding the VDA in finding innovative ways to ensure that dentists across Virginia receive just compensation for their invaluable contributions to oral health care. Moreover, I am steadfast in my resolve to bolster our association’s membership. The VDA serves as the unequivocal Voice of Dentistry in our state. However, to amplify this voice and effect substantial change, we need the unwavering support and unity of every dentist within the Commonwealth. Together, we are stronger, and together, we can drive meaningful transformation. I invite each of you to join me on this pivotal journey. Our profession’s future depends on our collective action and collaboration. Let us stand united under the banner of the VDA, advocating for our rights, our profession, and the well-being of our patients. As I step forward to seek your trust and support in this endeavor, I am committed to serving each and every dentist in Virginia with dedication, integrity, and an unwavering focus on advancing the interests of our profession. Thank you for considering my candidacy. Together, let us shape a future where dentists thrive, patients receive exceptional care, and the VDA continues to be an unwavering force for positive change.

CV - Dr. Marlon Goad


(ONE position available)

Dr. Cynthia Southern

Dr. Cynthia Southern

I have spent many years serving the Virginia Dental Association and its members. I would like to serve again as your Secretary-Treasurer. The experience I have from serving on the Council on Finance as Secretary-Treasurer and President will help me to serve as Secretary-Treasurer. I feel I have the experience and knowledge to run and serve in this position. I ask for your support.

CV - Dr. Cynthia Southern

Candidates for ADA DELEGATE

(FOUR positions available)
Dr. Caitlin Batchelor

Dr. Caitlin Batchelor

It would be my honor and privilege to serve the members of the Virginia Dental Association as a delegate to the American Dental Association's House of Delegates. My experience as an alternate delegate has prepared me for the responsibility of doing the important business of the ADA and representing our state's interests on a national level. With issues like dwindling membership facing the VDA and ADA, and workforce shortages facing dentists across the country, the policy and actions of the ADA are more important than ever in offering solutions to help shape the future of our profession. I appreciate your consideration and support.

CV - Dr. Caitlin Batchelor

Dr. Scott Berman

Dr. Scott Berman

I would like to serve as a VDA Delegate to the ADA to represent our state's interests at the ADA level and try to influence the direction of our profession. I'd like to work to make the ADA and VDA relevant to ALL practicing dentists. After spending several years as an Alternate-Delegate to the ADA, I have gained some experience that makes me more prepared to participate in the governance of the ADA.

CV - Dr. Scott Berman
Dr. Abby Halpern

Dr. Abby Halpern

In my professional career thus far, the Virginia Dental Association has been exceptional in allowing me to humbly serve the dentists and patients of our great state. I have enjoyed learning alongside my colleagues to further understand the pulse of the profession, both on the state and national levels. I have seen how the parliamentary process acts as a conduit for the desires of our membership, by way of the House of Delegates, to allow for this pulse to be heard and then disseminated as a united and effective voice. Having served as both a Delegate and Chair for ASDA’s delegation to the ADA, I have experienced this process first-hand. I believe wholeheartedly that such involvement in organized dentistry is vital to keeping dentistry poised to evolve while simultaneously allowing us to protect the profession. I have enjoyed expanding my knowledge and serving as an Alternate Delegate to the ADA on behalf of the 16th District for this last term. Due to my previous experience and enthusiasm for service, I earnestly ask for your support and vote to continue to represent the Virginia Dental Association’s voice as a Delegate to the ADA. It would be my honor and privilege to serve dentistry in this way as we move ahead as a united force, voice, and profession through the challenges that lie ahead. I sincerely thank you for your consideration.

CV - Dr. Abby Halpern
Dr. Ralph Howell

Dr. Ralph Howell, Jr.

The profession of dentistry has faced many challenges over the years and would look drastically different today if it were not for the ADA's tripartite organization and the dedicated volunteers that preceded us. The issues that we face today are even more complex with third-party payers, increased regulations, and the introduction of artificial intelligence into healthcare. It's vital that we send representatives who understand these issues. Having served as a delegate and on two ADA Councils, I feel that I can effectively represent Virginia on the 16th District Delegation and would appreciate your support.

CV - Dr. Ralph Howell


(SIX positions available)
Dr. Vince Dougherty

Dr. Vince Dougherty

Dentistry has always been a part of my life. I watched my father practice without all of today’s technological advancements. So much change has occurred. I want to continue to help direct the change in a way that benefits the practice of dentistry and our patients. I have the will, the confidence, and the passion for the position. I promise to represent you in the best way possible. Serving as ADA Delegate, as past president of NVDS, and past president of VDA, I have acquired leadership and decision-making skills to act confidently on your behalf. I have also served as chair of the Virginia Dental Association’s Covid “Back to Work Task Force” and a member of the ADA’s Council on Dental Benefits. I have just completed my term as chair of the ADA’s 16th District Delegation. This leadership position helped to solidify my confidence in all delegation matters. Many strong relationships were formed which enables cohesion within the delegation. My experience on the CDBP enables me to understand that there are many other threats against our great profession, including the ability to practice quality dentistry while delivering exceptional patient care without insurance interference. With all my past and present involvement in organized dentistry, I feel I have the knowledge to make informed decisions. I will cast any vote based upon the following question: “Does this strengthen the doctor/patient relationship?” I respectfully ask for your vote. I understand that in fulfilling the position, it will be an ongoing responsibility to our profession.

CV - Dr. Vince Dougherty

Dr. Zaneta Hamlin

Dr. Zaneta Hamlin

As a current ADA Alternate Delegate, I am seeking your valuable support to continue serving in this crucial role. The privilege of learning from esteemed colleagues with extensive experience in organized dentistry has been both enlightening and humbling. Given the imminent changes in organized dentistry, I am eager to contribute a unique perspective that could prove invaluable. My past experiences in various leadership roles within my local component, state leadership, and as an appointee to the ADA pensions committee have equipped me with an evolving comprehensive understanding of our profession. I firmly believe that by securing another term, I can further enhance my capabilities to effectively serve and support our state and the ADA in achieving unprecedented progress. Your support will not only be an endorsement of my commitment but an investment in the advancement of organized dentistry as a whole. I am eager to continue working collaboratively toward our shared goals.

Dr. Zaneta Hamlin

Dr. Melanie Wilson Hartman

Dr. Melanie Wilson Hartman

There are many reasons I am seeking to serve another term as an ADA Alternate Delegate. I have served on Northern Virginia Dental Society’s delegation to the VDA House of Delegates since early in my career. I am a long-time member of our component’s Board of Directors and have been a member of our VDA Board of Directors since September 2023. I am both able and willing to present the opinions of my colleagues as well as to offer my own. We are blessed with great leaders in the current ADA House of Delegates—leaders who strive to protect our beloved profession, the public, our future, and the future of those dentists who will practice after us. I believe that we can only protect what we have worked so hard to establish by staying involved in and committed to organized dentistry. Only then may we wisely and proactively address the challenges that come our way. It goes without saying that our profession has confronted a myriad of unique challenges and rapid changes in how we practice our profession in the last few years, and I have never been more proud to be an ADA member and Alternate Delegate. If re-elected, I will continue to make myself available to my peers and colleagues and work to facilitate our shared goals. I am fully committed to the duties and responsibilities of the position, and it would be an honor and privilege to continue serving our great profession at the national level.

CV - Dr. Melanie Wilson Hartman

Dr. Alexandra Howell

Dr. Alexandra Howell

It would be an honor to serve the VDA as an Alternate Delegate for the ADA House of Delegates. My journey in organized dentistry began in dental school when I had the opportunity to serve as National ASDA Vice President and to represent dental students as an ADA Student Delegate. I now serve on the Board of Directors for the Richmond Dental Society. My involvement in organized dentistry has equipped me with a deep understanding of our profession's challenges and opportunities. As the sole Oral Medicine Specialist in Virginia and an Assistant Professor at VCU School of Dentistry, I have witnessed firsthand the critical need for collaboration between medical and dental fields. My role as an educator allows me to nurture the next generation of dental professionals, instilling in them the importance of a holistic approach to patient care. I believe that effective advocacy starts with education, and I am committed to conveying to my students the importance of staying informed and actively participating in the broader dental community. I aim to advocate for policies that recognize oral health as integral to overall well-being and promote interprofessional education and collaboration. In this pivotal time for dentistry, with evolving healthcare landscapes and emerging oral-systemic connections, I believe my blend of clinical expertise, academic insight, and advocacy experience uniquely qualifies me to serve as an Alternate Delegate.

CV - Dr. Alexandra Howell

Dr. Jeremy Jordan

Dr. Jeremy Jordan

Involvement in organized dentistry has been an intrinsic part of my personal and professional development since before my first day of dental school. Now that I’ve been in practice for several years, I’m even more aware of the challenges we face as dentists each day. Active and engaged participation is crucial to ensure our profession remains strong. Our decisions as a national organization affect the way we practice and how we’re perceived by the public—it is imperative to represent the interests of our association, the communities we serve, and the patients we treat. Because of my past involvement at multiple levels of the VDA and other dental organizations, I understand how those policies enacted by the House of Delegates shape the future direction of our profession and help the ADA remain the voice of dentistry. Continuing my participation by being selected to serve as an Alternate Delegate would be an honor, and I genuinely appreciate the opportunity to be considered.

CV - Dr. Jeremy Jordan

Dr. Alexander Sadak

Dr. Alexander Sadak

I’m a solo owner of a small practice in McLean, VA. Ever since I moved to Virginia in 2017, I’ve been encouraged to apply for positions in organized dentistry. I’ve settled into being a programs chair and have declined any other positions due to having a new practice and two little kids. My goal as program chair was to add value to members and wow them with our offerings. This year, I took on another role as a member of VDSC, and I’ve been so thankful to meet so many amazing people with the aligned goal of making our organization grow and add value to our members. I love to bring fresh ideas and energy to groups and organizations that I'm involved in. As a dentist who's been out less than ten years, I hope to bring some ideas to encourage new development within the ADA that would resonate with younger dentists and add membership value. I'm excited to meet and socialize with dentists from other regions to see what’s important to their component members and what organized dentistry can do for them. I’m looking forward to finding new mentors and to one day give back as a mentor for someone else.

CV - Dr. Alexander Sadak

Dr. David Stafford

Dr. David Stafford

I am running to serve as an ADA Alternate Delegate. With a track record of leadership and dedication within the dental community, I am eager to contribute to the advancement of our profession at the national level. I have had the privilege of serving on various committees and boards, including the Ethics and New Dentist Committee. As President of the New Dentist Committee, I worked to create initiatives aimed at empowering and supporting new and future members of our profession. This includes organizing question-and-answer sessions with dental students and securing funding for new dentist events at the component level for networking opportunities for colleagues. In response to the evolving landscape of dentistry, our committee organized the New Dentist Webinar Series, which provides accessible and relevant continuing education opportunities for early-career professionals. Currently serving on the Component 5 Board and on the VDA Board of Directors, I actively engage in strategic decision-making for our member's best interests. Advocating for our profession on the Council on Government Affairs and for our members on the Caring Dentist Committee enhances my ability to be effective on the ADA delegation. In summary, my prior service and my passion for advancing dentistry qualify me to be an ADA Alternate Delegate. I am eager to bring my unique perspectives and experiences to the table, working with fellow delegates to shape the future of our profession.

CV - Dr. David Stafford