Dentists can Contact Local Health Districts to Begin Process for Vaccine Distribution

Dec 29, 2020

Dentists, hygienists and dental assistants are included in the state’s criteria as Phase 1a healthcare workers and are eligible to receive priority access to the vaccine. Health care personnel that directly care for COVID-19 patients will receive top priority among health care providers. 

To begin the process and learn more about local plans for distribution, we encourage those interested in receiving the vaccine to contact your local health district and let them know how many individuals in your office meet the CDC criteria for “persons serving in healthcare settings who have the potential for direct or indirect exposure to patients or infectious materials,” including dentists, hygienists and dental assistants. 

The ADA has published a fact sheet with additional information on the safety and effectiveness of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. 

Virginia is now expected to receive about 100,000 fewer vaccine doses of the Pfizer vaccine this month than previously thought, however the state is also expecting to receive its first shipments of the Moderna vaccine this week. 

There may be regional differences within the state in how quickly the vaccine is distributed through the prioritized groups and we do not at this time have a certain date at which all eligible Phase 1a healthcare workers can expect to have access to the vaccine. 

Learn more about the state’s vaccine distribution plan

The VDA is in regular contact with the VDH and will keep members informed as we learn more about state and local plans. 

We have also heard from many members about their eagerness to participate in the effort as vaccine administrators, and encourage those with an interest to fill out the VDH provider intent form

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