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VDSC Announces New Wellness Program Template for Dental Offices

Oct 28, 2015

The VDSC is pleased to announce the development of a new template program to assist dental offices in the development of an in-office membership club style program for patients who do not have dental insurance. The idea for the program is that dental offices can create a completely customized program for their offices that can be an alternative for their patients who do not have an insured dental benefit. Patients pay an annual membership fee and with that they are afforded certain services that the dental office chooses to include. Then the office can offer patients that are members discounts on other services not covered by the annual membership fee.

Dr. Kirk Norbo of Purcellville chaired the VDSC Task Force that developed the new resource and he said “One of the great things about this program is that the program is completely customizable and offices can determine exactly how they want to structure their plans. My office launched a program in May of 2014 and it has been extremely well received by our patients that do not have insurance.” The program provides a way for non-insured patients to save money on their dental care and can help to encourage them to come into the office for regularly scheduled care.

The VDSC has developed a number of documents that can be customized and used by dental offices to start their own plan. The documents have undergone extensive review and are designed to provide a quick and easy way for any office to start a program. The program is available for a cost of $250 for VDA Members (nonmember price is $995).

The program includes:
Sample Membership Terms
o Including optional terms and a variety of important terms that
should be considered to be sure the program is easily understood
by patients.

• Sample Brochures
o For both new and existing patients.

Educational Webinar
o Hear from four office managers who provide step by step
instructions for how to start a program, put the program into your
practice management system and how to talk with patients about
the new practice offering.

In order to purchase the program, members do have to sign a usage agreement with
the VDSC by contacting Elise Rupinski (; 804-523-2184).