Your Action Needed – Dental Workforce Crisis

Mar 21, 2025

In my time as VDA President and in my own experience as a practice owner, there is no single issue that keeps me up more at night than our allied dental workforce shortages. Today in Virginia, there are patients with dental disease whose preventative appointments are delayed weeks and months longer than necessary because we do not have a sufficient workforce of licensed individuals to see them in a timely manner.  

As the professional association representing 4,000 dentists who employ the 26,900 Virginians working in dental offices, we have a responsibility to our members, to our patients and to the hundreds of citizens who aspire to become dental hygienists to find solutions to these dental workforce challenges in Virginia. 

There are many ways that our members are already involved in addressing this challenge. Today, I’m asking you to take a few minutes to share your views on a few specific legislative and regulatory changes that could help address shortages.  

In January, the VDA House of Delegates unanimously passed Resolution 209, advocating for, “an increase in the number of matriculating dental hygiene students in two-year programs, including expansion of existing programs and the creation of new community college programs. If unable to significantly increase the number of dental hygienists licensed and practicing in the Commonwealth, the VDA will investigate additional methods to increase the number of alternative providers of hygiene services including scaling technicians, internationally trained dentists practicing hygiene, and non-CODA accredited dental hygiene training programs.” 

I want to be very clear on a few points: 

  1. The VDA will not pursue any legislative or regulatory changes that compromise patient care or put our patients at risk. Our aim in investigating these options is to expand access to essential dental care. 
  2. In the survey, we share examples of how other states have implemented similar policies, but the specifics of any legislative or regulatory change we pursue as an association will be for us to determine, and we will do so in consultation with the Board of Dentistry, the Virginia Dental Hygienists’ Association, the American Dental Association and others.  
  3. Consideration of legislative and regulatory changes is one element of the VDA’s broader workforce strategy, and we will continue to advance other paths, including: 
  • Conducting and socializing actionable and trusted research and data with policymakers 
  • Working with existing hygiene programs to expand and with new programs interested in starting up 
  • Providing direct support and resources to connect our member dentists who are hiring with potential job seekers 
  • Expanding our outreach programs to the middle school and high school levels to help more students find their calling in dental careers 

With that said, when I had the privilege to assume office as VDA President in September, I directed VDA staff to bring to me every legislative and regulatory option available to make a meaningful difference in expanding our allied dental workforce. 

The VDA Council on Government Affairs has vetted the options below, and now, as we prepare to move forward, I'm asking for you to take a few minutes to share your views. 


Dr. Justin Norbo

President, Virginia Dental Association