Message About Extension Of Continuing Competency Requirements (Continuing Education)

Apr 28, 2020

The Board of Dentistry has granted an automatic extension of continuing competency renewal requirements for a period of six (6) months after the renewal deadline for any renewal due by March 31, 2020.

You are encouraged to complete continuing education (CE) hours on-line before the renewal deadline, if possible. (Per the Board’s Dental and Dental Hygiene Regulations, CE credit may be earned for verifiable participation in audio and video presentations. Up to two (2) hours of CE may be earned by volunteer service – 3 hours of service for 1 hour of CE credit.) However, the continuing education hours you complete during this extension in order to satisfy the current renewal period cannot be used towards the next renewal period. You will not be able to double count the CE hours for the next renewal period.

On the paper renewal form or on-line, you will need to check “no” to the question pertaining to the completion of continuing competency requirements. Do not falsify information on the form/on-line by checking “yes”, if you are using the six (6) months extension. You will still be allowed to renew your license and your license/registration will be valid. There will be a notation in our database system that you have a six (6) months extension.


Q: Do I need to request the CE extension?
A: No, it is automatically granted.

Q: If I let my license expire on April 1, 2020 or beyond and then pay the renewal including the late fee, am I still automatically granted the extension?
A: Yes, however you would still need to complete the continuing competency requirements within the six (6) month period from April 1, 2020 through September 30, 2020.

Q: Are there any exemptions from the continuing competency requirements?
A: No.