VDA PAC - Busy Third Quarter Fundraisers

Oct 11, 2019

Tommy Norment Fundraiser PicSenator Tommy Norment Fundraiser in Williamsburg

Dr. Ray Lee hosted a fundraising event in honor of Senator Tommy Norment on July 31st at his home in Williamsburg.  Dr. Bill Bennett helped chair the event. Senator Norment represents the 3rd district, which includes the counties of Gloucester County, New Kent, King and Queen, King William, Poquoson City and parts of Isle of Wight County, James City County, Surry County, York County, Hampton City and Suffolk City.  During his long tenured years in the Senate, Tommy has been a determined public servant and been a leader that we can count on to advocate for common sense solutions facing our Commonwealth.  He is in a very important role as the co-chair of the all-important Senate Finance Committee and works hard every day to keep the community safe and to ensure that Virginia remains the best state in which to do business.  This, among many other reasons, is why it was important for the VDA to support his campaign.

VDA members from his district and members from other parts of the Peninsula and Tidewater attended the event.


Chris Jones Fundraiser PicDelegate Chris Jones in Suffolk

Dr. Ralph Howell and his wife Tammy hosted a fundraising event at their home in Suffolk on August 20th.  Dr. Leroy Howell and Dr. Dani Howell also helped chair the event.  Delegate Chris Jones represents the 76th district in the Virginia General Assembly, which covers parts of the cities of Chesapeake and Suffolk. During his over 20 years in office, he has been a thoughtful and tireless leader. Chris serves as Chairman of the powerful House Appropriations Committee.  As a small business owner (pharmacist) and committed healthcare professional himself, he understands the structural and fiscal challenges our profession faces on so many fronts.  VDA members and guests from the Tidewater area gathered at this event to show their support and appreciation of Delegate Jones.

The VDA PAC appreciates VDA member involvement in hosting and helping with these important fundraising events.