VDA Services/VDSC Announces Endorsement of RK Tongue, Co., Inc. for Insurance Services

Mar 6, 2019

Effective April 15, 2019

The Virginia Dental Services Corporation (VDSC) Board of Directors is pleased to announce that effective April 15, 2019, RK Tongue, Co. Inc., a family-owned, multi-generation insurance agency based in Baltimore, Maryland will become the endorsed insurance agency for VDA members.  For the past 19 years, the VDSC has recommended B&B Insurance Associates, Inc. of Burke, Virginia.  Over that time, the B&B team has served and guided VDA members with their insurance needs.  Recently, the agency leadership made the difficult decision to close B&B this spring.  Upon learning about the impending closure, the VDSC Board began a thorough review of respected insurance agencies to succeed B&B Insurance as the VDSC endorsed insurance agency. 

Importantly, VDA members that are current clients of B&B do not have to worry about any impact on their current insurance policies with the eventual closing of the agency.  Dr. Stephen Radcliffe, President of the VDSC Board of Directors, commented on the transition by saying “Ensuring a smooth experience for VDA members throughout this process is the VDSC’s highest priority at this time.”  The teams at RK Tongue and B&B are already working together to make the eventual transition nearly seamless for clients. 

“In RK Tongue, Co., Inc., the VDSC has found a partner with a very strong presence in Virginia, and notably within the dental profession.  The Board was impressed with RK Tongue’s breadth of experience and their commitment to serving VDA members throughout this transition and in the long-term.  I have complete confidence in their ability to provide excellent customer service and insurance expertise to all members,” noted Dr. Radcliffe.  With over 1,000 dental clients already in Virginia, RK Tongue and their team of dedicated professionals are looking forward to working with even more members of the Virginia Dental Association and providing the excellent customer service that their clients have enjoyed since the agency’s founding in 1911.

With endorsements from both the DC Dental Society and Maryland State Dental Association, RK Tongue has demonstrated a strong commitment to supporting organized dentistry and they have developed expertise in the unique insurance needs of dental professionals.  Ed Gerner, President at RK Tongue commented, “We are honored that the VDSC chose to recommend our agency, we appreciate and respect the great responsibility that comes with this endorsement.  We have a long history of serving dentists in Virginia and we look forward to building on that experience to serve the members of the VDA.” 

VDA members are welcome to contact either B&B (877-832-9113) or RK Tongue (800-638-6353) at any time during the transition to discuss current policies, review coverage or receive a quote for a new policy.  Please note RK Tongue will not have direct access to B&B/VDA Services client policy data until after April 15, 2019.

Together, VDA Services/VDSC and RK Tongue are looking forward to providing an excellent long-term benefit for our VDA Members. 

VDA Services is a service mark of the Virginia Dental Association.  VDA Services is a program brought to you by the Virginia Dental Services Corporation, a for-profit subsidiary of the Virginia Dental Association.