VDA Regulatory Alert - Public Comment Period Open for Regulations on Opioid Prescribing and Sedation Requirements

May 16, 2017

Public Comment Period Open May 15 - June 14, 2017

We recently shared information on emergency regulations that became effective on April 24th and there are also two Notices of Intended Regulatory Action that have been posted by the VA Board of Dentistry.  All three items are open for public comment May 15-June 14.  If you wish to leave a comment in response to any of these regulations, information is provided below.

Emergency Regulations on the Prescribing of Opioids- Effective April 24, 2017

  • Click here to view details on these emergency regulations
  • Click here if you would like to post a comment regarding the emergency regulations.

Notice of Intended Regulatory Action (NOIRA): Conforming Rules to ADA Guidelines on Moderate Sedation

  • Click here to view details regarding the NOIRA
  • Click here if you would like to post a comment regarding the NOIRA.

Notice of Intended Regulatory Action (NOIRA): Requirement for Capnography for Monitoring Anesthesia or Sedation

  • Click here to view details regarding the NOIRA.
  • Click here if you would like to post a comment regarding the NOIRA.

Note:  This serves as information only, for the benefit of VDA members.  All licensees are advised to read and comprehend the entire Emergency Regulations and Notice of Intended Regulatory Actions.