Petition for Rulemaking - Comment Period Open

Jul 15, 2016

Petition for Rulemaking was published on July 11, 2016 and the public comment period is open until August 10, 2016.The Petition is a request to eliminate the requirement for posting a copy of a dentist's registration issued by the Drug Enforcement Administration to avoid opportunity for individuals to use the number for illegal purposes.

Take these steps if you would like to submit a comment in support of this petition:

1. You may view this petition on the Virginia Regulatory Town Hall here:

2. Click "In Progress" in red next to the Comment Period section.

3. On the next page click "Enter a comment."

4. You will be taken to the online comment form.Simply enter your comment and click SUBMIT.Your comment will then be submitted and published for public view and the Board of Dentistry will review the petition and all public comments at their next meeting in September.