VDA Statement on Opioid Prescriptions Provided by Dentists
The American Dental Association today announced it is entering a strategic partnership with the White House and the Department of Health and Human Services to help prevent opioid drug-related overdoses and deaths. The partnership will complement the work of the American Medical Association Task Force to Reduce Opioid Abuse, which the ADA joined in August.
The strategic partnership will bring executive branch resources to the task force, whose first priority is to increase the number of health care providers registered with their state-based prescription drug monitoring programs.
When taken as prescribed for short periods of time under the care of a medical professional, opioids are safe to use. Unfortunately, opioid pain medications, such as hydrocodone and oxycodone, have become a leading source of drug abuse among teens and young adults. As the fifth largest health care specialty group prescribing these painkilling medications, dentists have a role to play in preventing their diversion, misuse, and abuse.
Organized dentistry works to ensure that both patients and dentists are aware of the potential drawbacks of opioid use.
Virginia Dental Association has pledged to educate and engage its members in the following activities:
- Prescriber education and training. VDA encourages dentists take advantage of the ADA’s free continuing education webinars on model opioid prescribing. The training modules include helping dentists recognize when a patient may be seeking opioids for non-medical purposes, and knowing how to approach and refer them for appropriate treatment. Other coursework is also available. Dental schools should include appropriate education in addictive disease and pain management as part of the core curricula.
- Prescription drug monitoring. VDA asks dentists to register with their state prescription drug monitoring program, if available. Dentists can leverage these programs to assess whether a patient may be “doctor shopping.” VDA also encourages dentists who prescribe opioids for treatment of dental pain to periodically review their compliance with Drug Enforcement Administration recommendations and regulations.
- Professional and patient awareness. VDA will continue to raise awareness about the problems associated with opioid abuse, and to share actions dentists can take to help.
Dentists who practice in good faith and who use professional judgment regarding the prescription of opioids for the treatment of pain should not be held responsible for the willful and deceptive behavior of patients who successfully obtain opioids for non-dental purposes.
More information about prescribed opioid use in dentistry is available at ADA.org/rxabuse.