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What Governor Northam’s Executive Order Means for Dental Offices

Sep 17, 2020
  • We have had a number of questions from members about Governor Northam’s executive order, issued yesterday. You can find the full Executive Order here.
  • For members, it was specified that nothing in the Order shall limit the provision of health care or medical services.  
  • The Q&A attached to Governor Northam’s press release recommended that patients postpone non-emergency dental and medical appointments for a period of thirty days. As we get clarity on this recommendation, we will share it with members. 
  • The Virginia Dental Association earlier this week affirmed support for the American Dental Association recommendation that dentists postpone elective procedures until April 6, 2020. 
  • This situation is obviously changing quickly – we are in regular communication with the Governor’s office and will keep our members updated as more information becomes available.

Update – 4:15 p.m. March 24, 2020

At Governor Northam’s press conference this afternoon, he was asked about medical professionals who might be continuing to perform elective procedures. Virginia Secretary of Health and Human Services Daniel Carey responded, in part, by saying, “We’re assessing along with the Virginia Emergency Support team, which has a work group that includes the Virginia Hospital and Healthcare Association, MSV and other providers assessing how their members are responding. Most are responding very well, but the Governor also has options, together with the Commissioner of Health, if those measures and those directives from the national level and membership societies, if those aren’t adequately addressing the issue, then the Governor has other options.”

Watch the full response here