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ADA offers free e-books on managing finances, HIPAA training April 8-14

Apr 8, 2020

As part of its ongoing efforts to support dentists during the COVID-19 pandemic, the ADA is offering members two free e-books the week of April 8-14: “Managing Finances: Best Practices” and “The ADA Practical Guide to HIPAA Training.”

“Managing Finances: Best Practices” provides strategies to identify metrics for success, establish internal controls to prevent fraud and embezzlement, set up patient payment systems that work, determine how you pay yourself and improve patient satisfaction and retention. “The ADA Practical Guide to HIPAA Training” is a publication with streaming videos that educates staff and management on the key components of HIPAA compliance. Level 1 teaches HIPAA basics to the dental team and includes the opportunity to earn one CE credit. Level 2 is a more in-depth module for managers who are developing their practice's HIPAA compliance program and participants may earn two CE credits.

To access your free e-books and streaming videos, visit the e-bookshelf at and log in with your user name and password.