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CARES Act becomes law

Apr 2, 2020
COVID-19 relief bill contains provisions important to dentistry
Washington — The House passed a $2 trillion stimulus package March 27 aimed at helping the people, states and businesses nationwide devastated by the coronavirus pandemic that was later signed into law by President Donald Trump.

In an Issues Alert to dentists, ADA President Chad P. Gehani said the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act — or CARES Act — contains many provisions the ADA believes are important to dentists, dental practice owners, dental students and dental office employees. This includes Small Business Administration loans, retirement account withdrawals, and student loan payment and interest deferral.

“To help guide you through all of this new information, the ADA will be holding webinars for dentists on individual topics that we have crafted in response to this new legislation,” Dr. Gehani said. “These webinars will be housed on ADA.org/virusresources and will be available on-demand. In some instances, dentists will be able to join and participate live.”

Two webinars include:

• Dental Practice Financial Issues Surrounding COVID-19. This webinar was led by Allen Schiff, the managing member of Schiff & Associates, who has over 35 years of experience in the area of dental practice management.

• What’s in the CARES Act and How It Can Immediately Impact My Dental Practice. This webinar was led by Mike Graham, ADA senior vice president of government and public affairs, and Mr. Schiff.

“As we have said before, the ADA urges dentists to talk to their accountants about these provisions and determine how you might benefit from utilizing them,” Dr. Gehani concluded. “The ADA will continue to provide updated and expanded info as we receive it so that you can make the best decisions for your patients and your practices.”

For information about the provisions in the CARES Act, the ADA News has in-depth coverage in this article.
Visit ADA.org/virus for the latest ADA information on COVID-19.