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How do I ethically continue to see patients during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Mar 24, 2020
While there are many steps to follow in order to be able to ethically continue to see patients during the Covid-19 pandemic, these principles of autonomy, nonmaleficence, beneficence, justice and veracity are necessary always. Currently, they may require different steps than you are used to taking, however, the underlying premises are the same.

Following the ADA Principles of Ethics & Code of Professional Conduct (the Code of Ethics) will guide you in how to assist patients during the Covid-19 pandemic. While there are many things to consider in ethically continuing to see and treat patients during the Covid-19 pandemic, the ethical principles of autonomy, nonmaleficence, beneficence, justice and veracity should always be consulted. As a result of the pandemic, ethical principles may require different steps than dentists are used to taking and applying the ethical principles may result in different outcomes than dentists are used to experiencing. However, the overarching premises of the Code of Ethics – to “do no harm” and “put the welfare of the patient first” remain exactly the same.

To assist dentists in considering the ethical principles of autonomy, nonmaleficence, beneficence, justice and veracity within the unprecedented context of the Covid-19 pandemic, some discussion of each of the principles applied to the present circumstances are provided;

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