"You don't even miss it!"
What led you to decide to support the VDAF’s access to dental care programs?
I really became aware of the need for affordable and accessible dental care in Virginia during my time in dental school at the VCU School of Dentistry. I volunteered as a student at MOM projects, and really felt fulfilled using my skills to care for the underserved.
With a young family and a dental practice, it is really hard for me to come to MOM projects now, unfortunately. I do volunteer about every 6-8 weeks at the free clinic in Lynchburg and Dr. Dustin Reynolds and I have also begun sponsoring the volunteer cookout at the Wise MOM project in July.
What made you choose a long-term commitment to supporting the VDAF through monthly giving?
It can be hard for us to think of writing a single big check all at once, but monthly giving makes it easy. You don’t even miss it! I expect to be working in dentistry for another 25 years; so with my monthly donations, I can make a real impact on helping people get access to care this way. It’s really a no-brainer!
Why did you decide to support the VDAF in this way?
I believe in the VDAF and what it does and want to try to support it in any way I can. It’s as simple as that. With monthly giving, I just made the pledge and my credit card is automatically debited each month; it’s so easy! I just want to see the VDAF continue the work it is doing now, and this is a way I can help.
Whether or not you are able to volunteer at MOM projects, for Donated Dental Services (DDS), or with Give Kids A Smile, monthly giving is one simply way you make sure that these programs can continue changing lives, one smile at a time. Please contact Tara Quinn at (804) 523-2181 for more information on making a monthly pledge to the VDAF, or with any other questions.