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Regulatory Alert: Proposed Regulations Open for Public Comment

Aug 6, 2018

VA Board of Dentistry Proposed Regulations: Opportunity to Voice Your Comments!

There are five Virginia Board of Dentistry (BOD) Proposed Regulatory changes that are now open for public comment.  Each of the comment periods began on August 6th and the period will close on September 5th.  The VDA encourages members to take this opportunity to voice opinions and suggestions to the BOD.  Following the comment period, the BOD will discuss each proposed regulation during their September 14th meeting and take comments into consideration during their discussion.  Below is information on each proposed regulatory action and a link directing you to the comment page.

1.     Amendment to Restriction on Advertising Dental Specialties:

a.      Summary of action: “ The amendments to section 80 will delete the specific prohibition against advertising a claim of a dental specialty unless it is approved by the National Certifying Boards for Dental Specialists of the American Dental Association or representation by a dentist who does not hold specialty certification that his practice is limited to providing services in such specialty area without disclosing that he is a general dentist. An amendment will also reference the statutory language about use of a specialty designation in a trade name.”

b.     Click here to view further information on the proposed regulatory change and click here if you would like to submit a comment.

2.     Administration of Sedation and Anesthesia:

a.      Summary of action: “The Board’s intent is to amend regulations relating to administration of sedation or anesthesia in dental offices. The goals are greater consistency and clarity among the requirements, depending on the level of sedation and the risk to the patient, and closer alignment with the American Dental Association Guidelines for the Use of Sedation and General Anesthesia. The Board intends to amend provisions that are problematic to dentists, such as compliance with current regulations with special needs patients. When appropriate for patient safety, the Board intends to incorporate guidelines and best practices for sedation and anesthesia, such as the use of a three-person team in the operatory during administration of moderate sedation.”

b.     Click here to view further information on the proposed regulations and click here if you would like to submit a comment.

3.     Continuing Education for Practice By Remote Supervision:

a.      Summary of action: “The Board is amending 18VAC60-25-190, relating to requirements for continuing education for dental hygienists to include the “competencies needed to provide care under remote supervision,” as specified in subsection F of § 54.1-2722. The regulation requires a continuing education course of no less than two hours in duration, offered by an approved sponsor and including the specified course content.”

b.     Click here to view information on the proposed regulations and click here if you would like to submit a comment. *Note: These regulations pertain to dental hygienists practicing under remote supervision, NOT general supervision.

4.     Education and Training for Dental Assistants II:

a.      Summary of action: “At its meeting on September 15, 2017, the Board voted to initiate rulemaking to modify the educational qualifications for registration of a dental assistant II by moving to a competency-based program in which basic didactic course work is followed by clinical training under the direction and supervision of a dentist who has successfully completed a calibration exercise on evaluating the clinical skills of a student. The intent is to make entry into the profession more accessible to students and ensure greater consistency in their training and assurance of competency.”

b.     Click here to view further information on the proposed regulations and click here if you would like to submit a comment.

5.     Change in Renewal Schedule:

a.      Summary of action: “Amendments to regulations are necessary to change the renewal schedule from a set date of March 31st to renewal in one’s birth month. The change will occur in the calendar year after the effective date of the regulation. The intent is to distribute the workload associated with renewal across a calendar year and to make the renewal deadline easier for licensees to remember.”

b.     Click here to view further information on the proposed regulations and click here if you would like to submit a comment.

More information on the Board of Dentistry regulations, meetings and contact information can be found on their website at