VDA 2017 Day on the Hill: Sharing Positive Results with Virginia Lawmakers
On Friday, January 20, 2017, over 100 VDA member dentists and VCU dental students gathered in our beautiful capital city of Richmond. It was a dreary, rainy morning, however; the dismal weather did not affect the energy amongst our group. This important annual event began with an early morning breakfast at the downtown Omni. We were fortunate to have a special guest speaker, Senator Emmett Hanger, co-chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, who took time out of his busy schedule to be there and shared an update on the important issues facing the legislature this year. This was followed by a briefing from our VDA lobbyists, Chuck Duvall and Tripp Perrin. Everyone then headed to the General Assembly Building to visit with their legislators to thank them for their dedication to the Commonwealth and to bring them our message and thanks. Working in collaboration with the legislature, the VDA has been given more effective tools to ensure practice independence and, at the same time, increased the quality of patient care. All legislators were given a pamphlet during these visits with information on the success of the many programs that the VDA Foundation has established (Missions of Mercy Projects, Donated Dental Services and Give Kids a Smile), as well as information about the success of the Smiles for Children Medicaid Program. We also shared information on the remote supervision bill for dental hygienists (HB1474), which the VDA developed in partnership the Virginia Dental Hygienists Association. We are happy to report that HB1474 has passed the House unanimously. You may review details on this bill by clicking here. http://lis.virginia.gov/cgi-bin/legp604.exe?ses=171&typ=bil&val=hb1474&submit=GO
We would like to thank all of the member dentists and dental students who attended this important event! Your participation helps immensely in making a positive difference for your profession and patients. We welcome and encourage all members to join us at next year’s Day on the Hill, scheduled for Friday, January 19, 2018.