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New Regulations for the Practice of Dentistry: Notice from the Board of Dentistry

Dec 1, 2015

Effective December 2, 2015, regulations of the Board of Dentistry have been separated into four new “chapters” or sets of regulations.  For the most part, the new chapters constitute a reorganization of existing regulations, but all licensees should carefully review and understand the requirements of each set of regulations.  Regulations for renewal of a dental license require:  All renewal applicants shall attest that they have read and understand and will remain current with the laws and regulations governing the practice of dentistry and dental hygiene in Virginia.

The four new chapters may be read and/or downloaded on the Board’s website at:

Also available at that site is a Reference Guide that provides a crosswalk between the old and new regulations and notes additions or changes found in the regulations effective on December 2, 2015.
The Board suggests that particular attention should be given to:
•   Section 30, Posting requirements.  This new section includes a requirement for posting a DEA registration along with a dental license and if applicable, a sedation or anesthesia permit.

•   Section 60, General responsibilities to patients.  Provisions are taken from a guidance document which set out the expectations of the Board for dental practice, but the responsibilities enumerated are now in regulation and may be cited in a disciplinary case.

•   Section 70, Unprofessional practice.  This section was revised and expanded to include failure to cooperate with an investigation and language on sexual misconduct.

•   Section 90, Patient information and records.  This section has been expanded to include additional requirements.

•   All of Part VI. Controlled Substances, Sedation and Anesthesia.  Requirements for obtaining permits have not changed, but there are new general provisions and new language on administration of minimal sedation.