
Document any medical condition in 60 seconds or less


iCoreCodeGenius is designed to be up-to-date, saving you time and effort, and it’s fast. Really fast. As soon as you start typing, predictive text provides rapid selection of the code you’re looking for. No more investing in burdensome reference books and no more guessing.

You’ll also be prompted to address potentially related factors further ensuring your accuracy. Reduce billing time and errors with a quick reference in your hands.

iCoreCodeGenius is ‘so’ fast that users can arrive at relevant codes in 60 seconds or less.

  • Highly accurate medical coding and documentation.
  • Fast and complete ICD-10 lookup
  • Always up-to date ICD-10 codes
  • Automatic prompting of comorbidities and HCCs
  • Access securely from the cloud, from any location

Member Benefit Information:

VDA members receive 34% off the regular monthly price.

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